Sunday 23 July 2017

Why are not the Intellectuals playing their role on the issue of KP Ramanunni & his death threat ?

Shimul Tikadar

Sri KP Ramanunni is a famous novelist & short story writer from kerala, India. He has got different types of awards & recognitions for his contributions towards Malayalam Literature.  He got kerala Sahitya Academy award for his first novel "Sofi Puaranja Katha". His ingenious personality & creations attracts all the common people of kerala. With-out doubt he is an estimable person to all the Indians.

Recently Mr. KP Ramanunni received a letter about 7 days ago at his residence. The letter allegedly warned Mr Ramanunni that his right arm & left leg would be chopped off if he do not  convert to Islam within six months. And the culprit behind the letter also warned that he would meet the same fate as that of Professor TJ Joseph whose right arm was cut off by the members of Muslim Community.

Now the questions of mine (Shimul Tikadar)  are that-
1. Where are those secularists who strongly had supported Poet Mr. Srijato Bandyopadhyay ?
2. Where are Mr. Kanaya Kumar, Mr. Omar Abdullah & their JNU who talk about the freedom of speech ?
3. Where are those intellectuals Who supported terrorists like Kashab & Menon ?

I just want to know that -
Why are not the Intellectuals using a single word for Mr. Ramanunni ? What's the problem ? is it seems a very simple issue ? Why do they not protest against the Muslim fundamentalists ?

Today , We all are searching Mrs Aparna Sen who was present at the meeting in Kolkata against Hinduttabad (recently). Now what does she think in this situation  (Ramanunni's death threat) ? Or What are we shout in for ?

Answer me -
Is secular sympathy only for a community ?
If the answer is "yes", then I hate the "Secularism".

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